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Repetable Job

If you need to schedule a job to run regularly based on a cron schedule, you can use the scheduleJob method.

A scheduled job has all the configurations of a regular job, with the addition of the repeat property that contains limit and cron.

  • limit - how many times a job should be executed.
  • cron - cron expression that is used to calculate when a job should be executed next time.

When a job is scheduled, two things will happen:

  • a job that should execute the action will be created,
  • special job of queue will be created: __pidginmq_scheduler that will create next job for execution.


This job will be created to run every 5 minutes, up to a total of 25 times.

await client.scheduleJob({
kind: "welcome-mail",
queue: "email",
repeat: {
cron: '*/5 * * * *'
limit: 25