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PidginMQ needs the database schema to be set up appropriately. It provides a command-line tool that can help users manage the database schema for PostgreSQL.

When you install the library, the CLI tool is installed automatically.

CLI tool contains 3 commands:

  • up - running next migration.
  • down - will undo last migration.
  • current - return current migration version

For all 3 commands we need to supply database connection URI.

CLI tool is using knex.js library for working with database migrations.

Apply Next Migration

pidginmq up postgres://user:password@host:port/dbname

CLI tool will apply next migration on database schema. If all migrations are already applied, no actions will be taken.

Undo Last Migration

pidginmq down postgres://user:password@host:port/dbname

CLI tool will undo last migration on database schema. If there is no migrations applied, no actions will be taken.

Current Migration

pidginmq current postgres://user:password@host:port/dbname

CLI tool will return last migration that has been applied.